Monday, May 07, 2012

Manpower Request: Specialist Course

Greetings All,

Please take note of the following event which requires manpower:

Specialist Course:
Course Duration: 19th June 2012 to 21st June 2012

Appointments Available: 6x PC
                                            6x APC
                                            1x Head Logistics
                                            4x Logistics Members
                                            1x Head Admin
                                            3x Admin Members

Cadet Officers from 61st Intake can only take up 2IC appointments e.g. APC, Admin/Log members.

Interested Cadet Officers please reply to with your details in the proper format. Deadline for submission of applications is 18th May 2012, 2359hrs.

Looking forward to your excellent support.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
C/CPT Muhammad Taufiq
Manpower IC
Executive Committee 12/13
HQ National Cadet Corps (Sea District)