The 12th NCC Affirmation Ceremony will be held on 14 April 2012. As part of the proceedings, there will be a ceremonial segment involving the marching-in and marching-out of the colors.
Rehearsals for the Flag Party are tentatively 31 Mar, 7 Apr, 13 Apr and 14 Apr. Please ensure you are available on all the following days.
The Ceremonial Committee would like to invite a supernumerary-trained Sea Cadet Officer to take up the following apppointment (the minimum rank follows):
Sea Ensign - C/2LT
If you are interested in taking up this appointment, please submit the following details to C/2LT Jeremy Ong at and cc by 18 Feb 2012, 2200hrs:
The Ceremonial Committee would like to invite a supernumerary-trained Sea Cadet Officer to take up the following apppointment (the minimum rank follows):
Sea Ensign - C/2LT
If you are interested in taking up this appointment, please submit the following details to C/2LT Jeremy Ong at and cc by 18 Feb 2012, 2200hrs:
1) Rank and Name
3) School and District
4) Contact Number and Email Address
Looking forward to your strong support!
Thank you!
Best wishes,
C/2LT Loo Kee Yuen
Administration IC
Executive Committee 11/12
HQ NCC Sea District