Friday, January 20, 2012

February 2012 Events

Greetings all,

The following are the events in February 2012 which require manpower:

Trainfire - 03/02/2012 (Deadline by 30/01/2012)
Trainfire - 10/02/2012 (Deadline by 03/02/2012)
Trainfire - 16/02/2012 (Deadline by 09/02/2012)
IMT - 24/02/2012 (Deadline by 17/02/2012)
Camp STEEL - 27 to 28/02/2012 (Deadline by 20/02/2012)

The posts available for Camp STEEL are as follows:
1x OIC
1x 2IC
2x OC
6x PC
6x APC
1x Head Log
1x Head Admin
2x Admin members
4x Log members

For the 61st batch, do take note that you are only eligible to take up 2nd in command appointments or team member posts such as Camp 2IC, APCs or Log/Admin members.

Application for Camp OIC will be closed half a week before applications for other posts. Please do send in your applications earlier.

Deadline for all events are as stated above in red. Interested Cadet Officers are to reply to with your details in the proper format. Those signing up for Camp STEEL do remember to state down the post that you are applying for.

Looking forward to your support.

Thank you!

Best wishes,
C/2LT Loo Kee Yuen
Administration IC
Executive Committee 11/12
HQ NCC Sea District